We as supplier of several industries, produce customised precision perforated sheet metals with self-confidence from a tradition, based on experience and metalworking expertise as well as innovation and investment willingness. We process them to serial parts with different shapes, functions and designs by stamping, drawing, bending, flattening, degreasing and handling of the surface. Whether it is demanding speaker covers for Automotive Industry, custom made function parts for technical applications or High-End multimedia applications, we realise your ideas in best shape and function. As material we use mainly steel, aluminium and stainless steel.
A modern equipped machine park with special machines, an on-site tool shop with construction (including 3D-free form surfaces) and a measuring technology solving the high requirements, make us independent. With these we are in the pleasant position to accomplish individual and complex customer wishes, whether it is the perforation or shaping and surface treatment.
Everything coming from one source, with full control of production-, reaction- and delivery times.
Prototypes are also produced in our factory, with the option of saving potential in the case of serial production.
We are specialists for customer parts with small hole widths and high requirements for functional, haptic and aesthetical quality. We manage extraordinary open areas and are able to adjust the perforated area to the functional customer requirements. Also small and sample series as well as contract manufacturing, in several working steps (see also services), belong to our service range.